Best Practices
- Cognigy.AI Solution Accelerators
- Cognigy.AI Bot Building Checklist
- Best Practices: Testing your Virtual Agents with Playbooks
- Voice: Strategies for Hard to Understand Phrases
- Universal skills for Chat and Voice
- Avoid customer frustration
- Get the conversation going
- Best Practices: Building a Deployment Pipeline for Cognigy AI Agents
- Streamline your Agent with Intent Hierarchies
- The Ultimate Guide to Cognigy NLU Training
- Cognigy.AI Terms
- Cognigy NLU Training: Improving Intent recognition
- Cognigy NLU Training: Resolving Intent conflicts
- Cognigy NLU Training: Reducing false positives
- What to do when the answer is too long for one Output Node
- Cheat Sheet: CognigyScript
- Migrating from Cognigy.AI v3 to v4
- Naming Pattern for more readable agents
- Missing Pattern for human-like information gathering processes
- Orchestrator Pattern for managing multi-flow projects
- Gatekeeper Pattern to ensure GDPR compliance
- Repeat Last Intent Pattern for user-friendly voice bots
- Handle most FAQs in the NLU tab
- Handover specific conversations to human agents