In huge projects, a team could come to the point where a general overview and understanding of the used resources is missing. Everyone included should be able to follow every step the virtual agent is executing in order to provide an answer to the end-user. Therefore, global naming can improve the overview significantly.
Flow Naming Convention
First, the most basic resource of a Cognigy virtual agent should be improved; namely the Flow, or better said, its name. In a typical project, it could be the case that the number of used Flows increases over time. However, in order to still provide an easy-to-understand overview, the Flow names should directly tell the conversation designer about its task.
With numbers and unique flow descriptions, it is possible to create a well-structured and user-friendly Cognigy.AI project.
<Topic Number> <Description> <Additional Information>
Example Flow Names:
- 0 Main
- 0 FAQ
- 0 GDPR
- 1 Main
- 12 Google Maps
- 13 Salesforce Extension
- ...
Label Flow Nodes
The second step of improving should be to edit the labels of the used Flow Nodes. As one can see in the figure below, changing the Node's label makes it easier to read the virtual agent's conversation.
Where the default label "Say" only tells the conversation designer that the current node is of the type Say, the labelled version provides more detailed information -- for example that it displays a Greeting. With this strategy, even complex Flow Nodes, such as the HTTP Request or Code Node can be included in a Flow without creating confusion.