This page describes how you're able to connect your Cognigy Resources to your Twilio channel by using our Twilio Endpoint integrations.

Within our Cognigy.AI platform, you're able to connect your Cognigy Resources to your Twilio channel by using our Twilio Endpoint integrations. This allows you to build Bots your users can talk to or chat with via SMS.

Twilio Voice, Twilio SMS / WhatsApp

You can select between three different types of Twilio Endpoints

  • Twilio, which is the Twilio Voice Endpoint
  • Twilio SMS, which allows you to send SMS and WhatsApp messages

For all Endpoint types, you'll have to obtain a phone number. A short description of how to gather a Twilio phone number can be found here: Twilio Endpoint Prerequisites. 

After obtaining a number, you're able to deploy a Twilio Endpoint. 



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