Amazon Lex: Setup AWS Lambda (Amazon Lex NLU)

Amazon Lex can't communicate directly with Cognigy.AI, therefore it needs a Lambda function to forward the payload to Cognigy.AI and then return the response in a special format to Amazon Lex.


When using the Amazon Lex bot for NLU, we forward the entire NLU response 1:1 to Cognigy.AI, and then the built-in Amazon Lex NLU in Cognigy.AI will transform the transcript, Intents and Slots into a format that can be understood by Cognigy.AI.



  1. Log on to the AWS console as a privileged user.
  2. Open AWS Lambda and create a new Lambda function with a Node.js 16.x runtime.
  3. Copy the following code into your index.js file
    const COGNIGY_ENDPOINT_PATH = "/your-urltoken"; 

    // Change these attributes to the session attributes that contain your userId and sessionId const USERID_ATTRIBUTE = "CustomerNumber"; const SESSIONID_ATTRIBUTE = "ContactId";

    // Pagination doesn't work at this API so we need to specify the maximum number of slots that are used for a single intent as page size const PAGESIZE = 20;
    const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
    const lexmodelsv2 = new AWS.LexModelsV2({ apiVersion: "2020-08-07" });
    exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => { const slotMap = await retrieveSlots(event); const postObject = { userId: event["sessionState"]["sessionAttributes"][USERID_ATTRIBUTE] || AWS.util.uuid.v4(), sessionId: event["sessionState"]["sessionAttributes"][SESSIONID_ATTRIBUTE] || AWS.util.uuid.v4(), text: event["transcriptions"][0]["transcription"], data: { request: event, slotMap }, }; const resultMap = await sendMessageToCognigy(postObject); const defaultSessionAtrributes = { action: "NONE", action_data: "", }; if (resultMap["data"] && resultMap["data"]["connect_action"]) { defaultSessionAtrributes["action"] = resultMap["data"]["connect_action"]; } if (resultMap["data"] && resultMap["data"]["connect_action_data"]) { defaultSessionAtrributes["action_data"] = JSON.stringify(resultMap["data"]["connect_action_data"]); } const response = { sessionState: { sessionAttributes: { action: defaultSessionAtrributes.action, action_data: JSON.stringify(defaultSessionAtrributes.action_data), }, dialogAction: { type: "Close", fulfillmentState: "Fulfilled", message: resultMap["text"], }, intent: { confirmationState: "Confirmed", name: event["sessionState"]["intent"]["name"], slots: {}, state: "Fulfilled", }, }, messages: [{ contentType: "PlainText", content: resultMap["text"], }, ], }; callback(null, response); }; const https = require("https"); async function sendMessageToCognigy(postObject) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const postData = JSON.stringify(postObject); const options = { hostname: COGNIGY_ENDPOINT_HOSTNAME, path: COGNIGY_ENDPOINT_PATH, method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, }; const request = https.request(options, handleResponse); request.on("error", error => { reject(error); }); request.write(postData); request.end(); function handleResponse(response) { let data = ""; response.on("data", d => { data += d.toString(); }); response.on("end", () => { resolve(JSON.parse(data)); }); } }); } async function retrieveSlots(event) { const params = { botId:, botVersion:, localeId:, filters: [{ name: "IntentName", operator: "EQ", values: [], }, ], }; const intents = await lexmodelsv2.listIntents(params).promise(); const slotParams = { botId:, botVersion:, localeId:, intentId: intents.intentSummaries[0].intentId, maxResults: PAGESIZE, }; const slotList = await lexmodelsv2.listSlots(slotParams).promise(); const slots = slotList.slotSummaries.reduce((obj, item) => Object.assign(obj, { [item.slotName]: item.slotTypeId }), {}, ); return slots; }
  4. Replace the two variables in the top rows with your Endpoint hostname and the URL token of your Endpoint.
  5. Modify the service that was created for the Lambda function. You will need to add the rights lex:ListIntents and lex:ListSlots. Instead you may also use a predefined role such as AmazonLexReadOnly.
  6. Save the Lambda function.



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