Let your Virtual Agent make a decision!
You can use Intents to navigate the conversation through the Flow. Lookup Nodes are best-practice to implement routing based on Intents.
#1 Add a Lookup Node
Navigate to your "IT Service Request" Flow and add a Lookup Node between Start and End Node. Click the Lookup Node and define what it should do: Go to the Type field and select "Intent". Save the Node.
#2 Configure the Case Nodes
Configure the two Case Nodes by opening them one after another and select the previously defined Intents: "createTicket" and "resetPassword".
Note: The video depicts legacy terminology. Please use a Lookup Node.
#3 Configure a fallback
Add a Say Node under Default to prompt
Sorry, what do you mean exactly?
in case no intent is recognized.
#4 Add responses for recognized Intents
Create Say Nodes for the other cases and enter texts like
Sure, I can help you to create a ticket.
Sure, I can reset your password.
Tip: You can speed this up by copying the Default Say Node via context menu or just hold ALT and drag & drop it.
#5 Try it out!
Test the conversation in the Interaction Panel with inputs like "I want to submit a ticket" and "I don't remember my pasword". Any input is routed through best-matching case and the path is highlighted in the Flow-Chart. You can also test in the Webchat Endpoint.
#DONE! Now let's use a Lexicon to understand specific terms a user uses!