Within our Cognigy.AI platform you're able to connect your Cognigy resources to your Userlike Bot Operator by using our Userlike Endpoint integration.
With the implementation of a Userlike Enpoint you can easily connect your Userlike Bot Operator with Cognigy.AI.
This How to covers the necessary steps for creating and connecting a Userlike Endpoint. If you want to get information about assigning a Flow to the Endpoint and setting up the Data Management see Endpoints.
Two Step Preparation Process
1 Creation and Configuration of a Userlike Endpoint within Cognigy.AI
2 Configure Your Userlike Bot Operator for the usage of the Cognigy Endpoint in the Userlike Dashboard
1 Creation and Configuration of a Userlike Endpoint
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1.1 Create a Userlike Endpoint
First you have to create an Endpoint of the type Userlike (see Figure 1.1).
Figure 1.1: Create Endpoint in Cognigy.AI
1.2 Configure the Userlike Endpoint
Configure your Userlike Endpoint as usual. You will need the Endpoint URL for the configuration of the Userlike Bot Operator.
Figure 1.2: Finding the Endpoint URL of your new Userlike Endpoint
2 Configure Your Userlike Bot Operator
See also: Chatbot Integration Documentation by Userlike
Visit the Userlike Dashboard and open the Operators-Page, see figure 2.1. Create a new Bot Operator by clicking on the "+ Add Bot"-Button, see figure 2.2.
Figure 2.1 Userlike Dashboard
On the "New Bot Operator"-Page you can specify the Bot properties to your desired settings. In the "Chat message endpoint"-field you insert the Endpoint-Address of the in step 1 created Userlike Endpoint.
Figure 2.2 Creation of a new Bot Operator
When you created the Userlike Bot Operator, then you should be all set up. You can now communicate with the Bot with a Flow of your choice.